================================================================ * OFFICIAL CO-OP CHALLENGE * Go For Time - Or Perfection! ================================================================ * Brought to you by STONEHENGE BBS & BATTLESTATION 1 ================================================================ DOOM II - MAP01 - H2HMUD01.WAD - Benchmark Wad... Where Are You? UNZIP H2HMUD01.ZIP INTO DOOM2 DIR TYPE H2HMUD01 to Play Single Mode ================================================================ ** CHALLENGE ** CHALLENGE ** CHALLENGE ** CHALLENGE ** CHALLENGE ** This wad presents a great opportunity to prove just how bad you are, take your best team or try it alone, there probably aren't many who are really ready to jump on this one! Categories: Single Player 1) Diff 1 Fastest No Frags 2) Diff 3 Fastest No Frags Two Player 2) Diff 3 Fastest Freestyle 3) Diff 3 Fastest No Frags Three Player 4) Diff 3 Fastest Freestyle 5) Diff 3 Fastest No Frags Four Player 6) Diff 4 Fastest Freestyle 7) Diff 4 Fastest No Frags Definitions of terms: Fastest = Least time from start of play to the end level switch. Freestyle = Go For It! Frags are not counted against you. No Frags = Come through this without a casualty and you're CYBER-DUDES! Please foward all lmps to STONEHENGE BBS (619) 929-6596 144V.32bis -or H2H BBS - Battlestation 1 (619) 426-0073 288V.34bis Survivors will be honored publicly amidst their fellow marines. This is one of many MUD WADS and you may expect more phenomenal challenges soon! Brought to you by STONEHENGE BBS & Battlestation 1 - H2H ON-LINE *********************************************************************** Episode Title : H2HMUD01 Created 1/8/95 Files : H2HMUD01.WAD - Single level : H2HMUD01.TXT - This Text File : H2HMUD01.BAT - Batch file to run wad Author : Dave Swift Email Address : Mud One@Aol.Com 74401,1041@CIS.COM swift1@powergrid.electriciti.com Stonehenge BBS (619) 929-6596 Misc. Author Info : Author Of The MUD Levels Available Everywhere Description : This Co-Op WAD is the official Co-Op Challenge presented to the Dooming community at large. Single, 2, 3, or 4 player lmps are accepted as entry. See below for more info Many Thanks To : Geoff Allen Author of DoomEd, "The Real Thing" : David Bruni Author of DMRETU DoomEd Tutorial : All Youse who subject yourself to these levels and have given me most excellent feedback! ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Doom II Registered Ver. 1.7a Episode and Level # : Map01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes! You'll Need Help! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes, 1 - 3 - 4 New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, Door & Wall Graphics Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level All from scratch Build Time : About 12 Hours Editor(s) used : DoomEd "The Real Thing" by Geoff Allen DMGRAPH By Bill Neisus - Wow! Known Bugs : Please Let me know if you find any. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use any of these levels as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ***************** Where to get MUD WADS ****************************** H2H DOOM BBS (619) 426-0073 Home of BATTLESTATION 1 - Multiplayer Gaming ** The Best Place On Earth To Die ** ARE YOU WORTHY? ** 8 lines 28.8 USR ** Co-Op - Deathmatch - Files ** STONEHENGE BBS (619) 929-6596 - Home Of The MUD Levels! DOOM - DOOM II - HERETIC - ROTT DESCENT - QUAKE - DARK FORCES 24 Hours - 14400 Game Palace BBS (305) 587-4258 BEST ALL DOOM BBS : DOOM HQ! Go No Further! This BBS Has THE BEST & MOST WADS, HACKS, EDITORS, SOUNDS and LOTS LOTS more! Download DOOMLIST.ZIP for complete up to date listing. DOOMania bbs (317)662-8842, (317)662-1447, 48, 49 Home to the DOOMnet conference group. 4 Nodes 24 hours a day! MetroDOOM bbs (404)590-9375 Another large DOOM & DOOM II BBS MORE SOURCES : America Online : Compuserve : Various Internet FTP Sites ********************************************************************* iddqd - god idclip - no clip idkfa - ammo idbehold plus letter - s-v-i-r-a-l iddt - map enhance idclev01 - warp to map01 Thanks & Regards, Dave Swift swift1@powergrid.electriciti.com Stonehenge BBS (619) 929-6596